The solar panel (solar cell) was discovered through the first detection of the photovoltaic effect in the world by the French physicist Alexander Edmond Becquerel in 1839. He discovered this effect while testing his work on Becquerel platinum sheets.
In 1873, a scientist named Willoughby Smith discovered photoconductivity in selenium. And as the first photovoltaic assembly, it made history in the field of solar panel systems. In 1877, scientists named W.G.Adams and R.E.Day found that solid materials can also create photovoltaic-pv effects in their scientific studies. In 1883, a scientist named Charles Fritts developed the 1% efficient photovoltaic cell.
In 1946, Russell Ohl patented the modern pv solar panel for the first time in the world. In 1954, silicon pv cells with 6% efficiency were made at Bell Laboratories.
In 1957, Hoffman Electronics company succeeded in developing photovoltaic silicon cells that can work with 8% efficiency in solar panel construction. In the 1970’s, there was an oil crisis in the world and the search for alternative energy sources began, the interest in photovoltaic cells increased and serious R&D studies began in this technology and the production of photovoltaic cells accelerated.
In 1993, Applied Solar Energy Corp. started mass production of two-joint photovoltaic cells with 20% efficiency. In 2000 these years, 20% efficiency three-joint pv cells were developed. In 2002, three-joint photovoltaic panels with 26% efficiency were developed. In 2009, spectrolab company broke the world record in solar panel production again by developing 41.6% efficient triple-jointed pv cells.
What is a solar panel, what does a solar panel do?
The Solar Panel, which is very important for renewable energy sources and solar energy systems, directly converts the sun rays falling on it into electrical energy thanks to its silicon cells. The solar panel, which converts the heat and light of the sun, which is the most important of the renewable energy sources, into electrical energy and makes it usable in all areas of need and living spaces, is much more important than other energy sources. Direct current begins to form in the solar cells on the panels, thanks to the sun’s rays. By measuring the amount of energy obtained according to the region where it is located or the season in which it is used, a serial or parallel mechanism is established and connected to homes or workplaces. With this application, which converts the obtained solar energy into electrical energy, you can easily operate all electrical appliances and all kinds of devices. In solar power plants, solar panels are among the indispensable components for generating electricity from solar energy.
How is a solar panel made?
A very small amount of sand is used to make solar panels that can convert sunlight into electricity and almost 100% pure silicon is used. Boron is added to make silicon a positive pole. Silicon ingots are left to rest after cooling in thin sheets by means of saws. By performing the chemical surface weaving process that will form very small pyramids on the surface of the plate, the reflectivity is reduced and thus the sun’s rays are retained. Phosphorus at high temperature is injected into the silicon wafer, and then the phosphor is carefully removed from the back surface of the sheet. The whole purpose is to create “electron current” direct current between these two poles by creating + and – poles.
What are the types of solar panels?
- Monocrystalline solar panel,
- Molycrystalline solar panel,
- Thin film solar panel,
- Flexible solar panel.